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Do I need to be local to you or can you work remotely with me?

I primarily work remotely, which means I work with clients anywhere in the U.S. via video conferencing.  If you are local to the Cedar Valley area I can also meet in person.

Do you require a minimum amount of money in order to work with me?

No, I don't require that you have a certain amount of assets to hire me as a planner.

How often would we meet if I were to work with you?

It depends.  For an ongoing planning engagement I will meet with you 2-3 times per year.  Initially, we may meet 3-4 times.

Why should I consider working with a financial planner?

A good financial planner serves as your guide, and helps you proactively stay on track with your financial goals, provide ongoing education, and be a resource when life throws a curveball into your plans.  Regardless of your level and confidence in your own planning, hiring a planner will help you live a more fulfilled and confident life.

How long have you been practicing?

I have worked in the financial services industry for 9 years.

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